Common Techniques Used By Shoplifters

ShopliftersShoplifting happens more than you think. That’s why so many stores today hire security guards to stand at the door, check receipts, and deter crime with their very presence.

So what are some common shoplifting techniques? If a person has a large bag– it could be a purse or a diaper bag or whatever– they can place that near their feet and casually drop merchandise in it as they stop and “shop.” If you’ve ever noticed certain stores stapling their bags shut, they do that to prevent shoplifting using their bags.

Women have a shoplifting advantage over men because they typically carry purses. These bags are perfect for shoplifting items. Women also tend to utilize baby strollers to hide stolen merchandise– with blankets, toys and babies taking up a lot of space in a stroller, it’s easy to conceal stolen items there.

Clothing can be used to shoplift stuff. Baggy clothes work best, but some people don’t even worry about that– they’ll just stuff items between their legs/into their undies and “walk out with it” seemingly undetected.

Coats and umbrellas are also used to shoplift store items. One technique is to cut slits in a coat pocket lining and then reach for items with the one hand, unseen, while the other hand is in plain view, looking “normal.”

There’s also the brazen shoplifters who’ll use distraction to get what they want. For instance, if a group of youths walk into a store, there’s one who’ll engage the clerk at the counter in a conversation. Meanwhile, the other two are sneaking stuff into their coats, clothes or bags, robbing the store blind. Shoplifters can also ask the clerk to “go in the back” to look for something, and if there’s no one else in the store, that’s prime time for them to steal stuff and run out before the clerk is back in the main room.

If you own a business and want to deter shoplifters, hire COP Security. Call 585-750-5608 or email

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